Recipes From My Homestead

Recipes from My Homestead

A Little History about Recipes From My Homestead

Hey, Y’all! Welcome in! Are y’all ready for recipes from my homestead? You’ve come to the right place! A little history first! This page is the most fun for me! I enjoy scratch cooking so much. I started my cooking/baking journey when I was 8 years old. Cooking while standing on a stool at the stove, I would help my mother in the kitchen. The first thing I ever made was oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon toast! Yum! It only progressed from there! Pretty soon I was making scratch biscuits and pancakes, then pies at Thanksgiving. I guess you could say I was a foodie from a very young age. Before foodie was a thing, haha! Thing is now, I learned how to make the traditional southern cooking, which is sooooo yummy, but doesn’t rank very high in the healthy category. So, then how does one do a year of healthy scratch cooking and fitness goals, and maintain that good ‘ol southern cooking that we know so well?

  • Basic Quiche (Coming Soon)

Re-learning what I know, with a twist!

Recipes from My Homestead was born out of the idea that I needed to shift the way I cook from scratch, then share it with all of you! You see, this isn’t going to be easy for me, but I’m sure there are others out there who feel the same way I do. Who desire to change their eating habits, but don’t know quite how to make it stick. Maybe some of ya’ll have never even cooked from scratch to begin with. That’s okay too. This blog of recipes from my homestead was also born out of the desire I have to teach scratch cooking as well. Just come along with me and we’ll do this together. Each recipe will include at least one ingredient from my homestead, and tips on replacing ingredients with better, more healthier versions, whether from the local farmers market, or organic from the store. No matter where you are in your homestead journey, even if you’re in an apartment with only a patio and a kitchen, this blog can help and inspire you to be cooking on the homestead in no time!

Recipes From My Homestead. Ground pork and cabbage Recipe
Homestead recipes, Taco Seasoning

What Can Be Done with a Recipe

When you enter the homesteading world, on any level, from an apartment to 100-acre homestead with huge gardens and livestock, you will probably find yourself torn between the recipes you love, and the foods you are trying to grow and raise. What you once cooked becomes hard to resist. If you’ve not cooked much at all but eaten the processed foods from the store or fast-food joint down the road, adapting can be a daunting task! I know it has been for me. That is one of the reasons I created this blog! The transition is HARD, y’all! But not impossible! With the recipes in this blog, I want to show y’all how you can make the transition, and still maintain some healthy familiarity with your food.